
ReactNative-0.38,a warning,'useNativeDriver' is not supported

 ReactNative-0.38,a warning,'useNativeDriver' is not supported

  1. find RCTAnimation.xcodeproj from node_modules/react-native/NativeAnimation folder
  2. open xcode
  3. open project navigator (folder icon from the left)
  4. drag & drop RCTAnimation.xcodeproj from the previous step to Libraries folder
  5. Expand RCTAnimation.xcodeproj in project navigator and find libRCTAnimation.a file inside of Products folder
  6. click on your project name on top of project navigator and go to Build Phrases tab
  7. drag and drop libRCTAnimation.a to Link Binary With Libraries
  8. Clean and run :) https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/11094

setState can only update a mounted or mounting component

setState can only update a mounted or mounting component

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