ReactNative-0.38,a warning,'useNativeDriver' is not supported
![ReactNative-0.38,a warning,'useNativeDriver' is not supported](warning-useNativeDriver.png)
- find RCTAnimation.xcodeproj from node_modules/react-native/NativeAnimation folder
- open xcode
- open project navigator (folder icon from the left)
- drag & drop RCTAnimation.xcodeproj from the previous step to Libraries folder
- Expand RCTAnimation.xcodeproj in project navigator and find libRCTAnimation.a file inside of Products folder
- click on your project name on top of project navigator and go to Build Phrases tab
- drag and drop libRCTAnimation.a to Link Binary With Libraries
- Clean and run :)
setState can only update a mounted or mounting component
![setState can only update a mounted or mounting component](warning-setState-on-unmounted.png)